Graham and Bridget each get a lap-ghan to use in the car. I know Bridget will enjoy hers, I hope Graham likes his too.
Hey Mom! Look what I can do!
My own place to post my creations.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Waving a wand...
A few of the things I have made
in the past couple of weeks:
I think this was birdie #2

Bridget saw her mommy's and wanted pink
flip-flops with a flower.
A sweet little newborn's pink hat.
I hope I get to see it on the baby!
Just some silly dish cloths but they are quick, easy,
and very satisfying
in the past couple of weeks:
I think this was birdie #2
I had been promising Sarah some socks for a long time
She finally got them for her birthday!
flip-flops with a flower.
Birdie #3
I hope I get to see it on the baby!
and very satisfying
Saturday, June 1, 2013
I have not posted anything in a long time but I really haven't made too many things to post pictures of. And since I am really the only one who looks at this blog type thing, then it can't count against me!
I am going to try to get some pictures of some of the things I have made posted here. Not too many different things actually and of course, nothing too complicated but it is getting a little better. I can see a difference in the neatness of my stitches and that they are starting to look a little more uniform And then there are some days when I really feel like I might have a touch of Graham's ADHD (well the ADD part anyway-never, ever had a problem being hyperactive except for my mouth maybe) but, I get something started and get a little ways into it and put it down only to leave it for a month! It seems like once I have tackled and somewhat conquered something, I am done. I am trying harder to not be that way, but it doesn't always help to just be aware I am doing it. So my new goal is to STAY OFF PINTEREST long enough to make a few of the things I have pinned! LOL The downfall of clean houses and dinners may be Pinterest! Too much fun! I will never, not in a million years, make tenth of what I have pinned. But its fun anyway.
So, since I am not posting much about my yarn creations, I am going to post about some of the other creations I helped produce. My Girls, their Spouses, my Grandkids! The babies have lots of fun things to write about. Unfortunately now, both kids are doing things that make us laugh but we have to learn to control our laughter since Graham seems to be taking his brand of humor to school with him and not everyone at his school agree that he is funny! And of course, Bridget just follows his lead! As an adult, I think I would not do something if I just watched my brother get in trouble for doing the same thing but then I have to remember I am not a kid, my brain might work differently (although I am not always sure of that! LOL) They are funny though! They went to the zoo a while back and I guess some of the monkeys were “in season.” When Bridget told me the story later that day, she told me that pink was her favorite color but she didn’t like pink monkey asses. It was such a grown-up kind of conversation, just the way she stated the facts (but only after whisper asking her mom if she could say a bad word.) They are characters. I sure miss them!
I am waiting impatiently for Robert’s final breath for the Navy. Military service has been okay for them. It has paid many bills and their health insurance has been wonderful to have-especially with two high-risk pregnancies but I know that he is ready to be finished with it all. And I am ready for them to be closer to me. I think Sarah and Robert both would prefer Florida over being closer to us here and I understand that but I am super happy that they are choosing family over geography! I just wish the day would get here already!
Mary and Patrick are staying more at their house now. I know they are ready to be there, and today they are probably really ready! They have been staying here when there is going to be any heavy weather (and it is that time of the year, with tornadoes all over from Oklahoma through our neck of the woods) but we probably received many inches of rain since yesterday and I am quite certain there is a river running through one of their rooms downstairs. They will not miss that part of being here but I am sure they will miss being so close to Nan and I! lol We will miss having them so close! But thinking of having my girls so close-within a short drive from me will be so wonderful! I don’t think there are words to describe how great it will be!
Graham’s Autism has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been reading some blogs by parents of Autistic children and a few by adults with Autism. I have read some things written by those parents that I would be ashamed to have thought, and by no means would I have EVER written them down for others to read. It makes me sad to think that those kids will grow up in those homes and surely hear some of those things! I also have read about kids with all these specialists working with them, personal case workers and so much that I can be so thankful that Graham apparently does NOT need! And that deserves many thanks because most of these kids I am reading about must be much worse cases than our Graham since he is doing so well. They don’t want him back in special education classes; they want him main-streamed with all the other kids his age. I think it helps that he is one of the older children in his class since his birthday falls when it does. I just have to take a deep breath and wipe my tears when I start reading some of the things these other parents have to say about their special needs kids and sometimes their other kids too-sometimes it makes me horribly sad to read of the dichotomy between the treatment of their kids. All of that and the "poor me, the parent" is frustrating. I am quite sure being the parent of an Autistic child is hard but who has to ultimately pay for this-not the parent. It is the child. I am reading one particular blog that makes me want to reach out and grab the writer's chin and make them understand all these horrible things they are writing are just terrible and not making that parent get much sympathy (which is what they are seeking I think) I am so glad that Sarah has the patience she has and Is such a great mommy to Graham and Bridget.
I am one lucky person! Even though I don't have many yarn-y things to post, I have so many other wonderful things to write about! I am not a writer-I always thought I could have been but I don't have the skills or the patience or the TALENT! But that is okay, it just means I have to live my life instead of writing about it!
I am going to try to get some pictures of some of the things I have made posted here. Not too many different things actually and of course, nothing too complicated but it is getting a little better. I can see a difference in the neatness of my stitches and that they are starting to look a little more uniform And then there are some days when I really feel like I might have a touch of Graham's ADHD (well the ADD part anyway-never, ever had a problem being hyperactive except for my mouth maybe) but, I get something started and get a little ways into it and put it down only to leave it for a month! It seems like once I have tackled and somewhat conquered something, I am done. I am trying harder to not be that way, but it doesn't always help to just be aware I am doing it. So my new goal is to STAY OFF PINTEREST long enough to make a few of the things I have pinned! LOL The downfall of clean houses and dinners may be Pinterest! Too much fun! I will never, not in a million years, make tenth of what I have pinned. But its fun anyway.
So, since I am not posting much about my yarn creations, I am going to post about some of the other creations I helped produce. My Girls, their Spouses, my Grandkids! The babies have lots of fun things to write about. Unfortunately now, both kids are doing things that make us laugh but we have to learn to control our laughter since Graham seems to be taking his brand of humor to school with him and not everyone at his school agree that he is funny! And of course, Bridget just follows his lead! As an adult, I think I would not do something if I just watched my brother get in trouble for doing the same thing but then I have to remember I am not a kid, my brain might work differently (although I am not always sure of that! LOL) They are funny though! They went to the zoo a while back and I guess some of the monkeys were “in season.” When Bridget told me the story later that day, she told me that pink was her favorite color but she didn’t like pink monkey asses. It was such a grown-up kind of conversation, just the way she stated the facts (but only after whisper asking her mom if she could say a bad word.) They are characters. I sure miss them!
I am waiting impatiently for Robert’s final breath for the Navy. Military service has been okay for them. It has paid many bills and their health insurance has been wonderful to have-especially with two high-risk pregnancies but I know that he is ready to be finished with it all. And I am ready for them to be closer to me. I think Sarah and Robert both would prefer Florida over being closer to us here and I understand that but I am super happy that they are choosing family over geography! I just wish the day would get here already!
Mary and Patrick are staying more at their house now. I know they are ready to be there, and today they are probably really ready! They have been staying here when there is going to be any heavy weather (and it is that time of the year, with tornadoes all over from Oklahoma through our neck of the woods) but we probably received many inches of rain since yesterday and I am quite certain there is a river running through one of their rooms downstairs. They will not miss that part of being here but I am sure they will miss being so close to Nan and I! lol We will miss having them so close! But thinking of having my girls so close-within a short drive from me will be so wonderful! I don’t think there are words to describe how great it will be!
Graham’s Autism has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been reading some blogs by parents of Autistic children and a few by adults with Autism. I have read some things written by those parents that I would be ashamed to have thought, and by no means would I have EVER written them down for others to read. It makes me sad to think that those kids will grow up in those homes and surely hear some of those things! I also have read about kids with all these specialists working with them, personal case workers and so much that I can be so thankful that Graham apparently does NOT need! And that deserves many thanks because most of these kids I am reading about must be much worse cases than our Graham since he is doing so well. They don’t want him back in special education classes; they want him main-streamed with all the other kids his age. I think it helps that he is one of the older children in his class since his birthday falls when it does. I just have to take a deep breath and wipe my tears when I start reading some of the things these other parents have to say about their special needs kids and sometimes their other kids too-sometimes it makes me horribly sad to read of the dichotomy between the treatment of their kids. All of that and the "poor me, the parent" is frustrating. I am quite sure being the parent of an Autistic child is hard but who has to ultimately pay for this-not the parent. It is the child. I am reading one particular blog that makes me want to reach out and grab the writer's chin and make them understand all these horrible things they are writing are just terrible and not making that parent get much sympathy (which is what they are seeking I think) I am so glad that Sarah has the patience she has and Is such a great mommy to Graham and Bridget.
I am one lucky person! Even though I don't have many yarn-y things to post, I have so many other wonderful things to write about! I am not a writer-I always thought I could have been but I don't have the skills or the patience or the TALENT! But that is okay, it just means I have to live my life instead of writing about it!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
A lot of rose pins
It took me a while to get these all finished and I had to ask Mary to help, but here they are! I think they are for a special occasion. It will be fun wearing them. There are few pink ones in there because I know Bridget will surely want a pink one. She is our pink baby! It was fun seeing them all in a pile! There is blood and tears worked into this pile: I broke a blood vessel in my hand and then I burned both thumbs on the hot glue gun (have the blisters to prove it!) Ouch!
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